
I stumbled upon this amazing presentation of Photosynth by Blaise Aguera y Arcas over a year ago, when the software was still in beta.

I though it was amazing how, from some photos, it is already possible to define the 3D shape of entire landscapes. Give it a go and make use of the software to visit distant places as never before.

I love the one for the Sphinx by National Geographic.

What are your favourite sinths?


Growing up in the 80’s, most of my toys were LEGOs. Universes literally unfolded as my hands restlessly fitted the bricks together. Astronauts and their spaceships. Knights and their castles. Drivers and their race cars.

The fun, however, was not in playing with the spaceships and castles. It was the assembly that I loved. Having an idea, developing it as I searched for the next piece, going back, introducing some adjustments, streamlining it.

Lego were in Iwo Jima

Lego were in Iwo Jima

I particularly like how the building blocks and assembly process help shape creativity. You have a set of blocks that fit in very specific ways. These are your rules. You have to understand them and use them to your advantage, in order to build something you’ll like. A lot like so many other things in life, right?

Now, Lego are so usefull for so much more. Just check out how they can impersonate The Monty Pithon in their Quest for the Holy Grail.

If, like me, you are realy melancholic about those days when the red blocks always fitted, maybe you want to watch the animation showing how the blocks are made.

Charting #1

When trying to make a sense of this world, one million ideas immediately pop to mind. Random hypothesis, theories, relationships and consequences all bump into each other. Being naturally square an engineer, I usually tend to plot imaginary graphics depicting cause/consequence relationships. How many times has a good dinner with wine led to a poor night’s sleep? How often do I order take out Vs cooking at home Vs eating out? All issues that are very practical and totally useless.

I’m happy to report that I’m not alone. In fact, it appears that smarter people have turned that into an admirable art form. Visit Indexed and discover what I’m talking about. Also, you should see the movies below, to find out what you have been missing on.

#1 Le Grand Content

#2 Airport

#3 Royksop – Remind Me

Also, don’t miss out on the low tech approach of Demetri Martin with his flip charts on a large pad. He is just brilliant in this one!

Vizualization of the Credit Crisis

Finally, I understood why the world is in the shape it is. Nicely explained.

Kudos to Jonathan Jarvis.