
Building blocks, playing blocks, living blocks.

Most kids I know inevitably end up breaking most of their toys, to their parent’s despair. What we grownups don’t seem to remember or understand when we see the different bits and pieces of expensive cars or dolls scattered through the floor is that, more often than not, what drives the toddlers is not an innate desire to destroy, but a curiosity to see how the world is put together.

I have always been attracted to those building blocks. Prefabricated units fascinate me. I love houses made of different pieces put together and maybe I’ll even live in a container house, someday.

Container Shelter

Container Shelter

Other ideas I have found scattered throughout the internet include the weeHouse that is transported from the factory directly to wherever you want it and the delightfull Loftcube. I want one. No, better make it two.

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